ladies and gentlemen you're going t ,want to listen very very closely to today's video because in today's video I'm going to show you the 17 money secrets to make your first million these are the money Secrets I use to make my first hundred thousand dollars my first million dollars my first 10 million dollars and then tens of millions since then this is not going to be your hey save money on Starbucks or your hey invest in a 401k and eventually you'll make this is for the people that are serious about making their first million and not only that but turning 1 million into many millions more not only for yourself but for your future family so on that note
Grab a pen and paper and let's get into it so the first secret is that money is a never-ending game and you should treat it as such I understand your position you're looking at a million dollars and you're thinking wow If I Had a Million Dollars my life would totally change and yes of course your life will get better but just understand when you reach your first million what do you think you're gonna stop the game you're going to be happy You're Gonna Keep playing the game you're gonna keep going and the only way to stay sane is understand the money is a never-ending game the only people that get depressed or think that money will ruin your life are the people to think that money is a destination some sort of figure is some sort of number is the end of your life it's it's you've accomplished it and you're done as long as you wake up and you play this game understanding that you will be just as unhappy when you have ten thousand dollars in your bank account