So look today's article is pretty simple one and by the end of it i want you to know three things number one is it possible to make money online secondly two methods to make money online and lastly the best way to make money online this year now if you don't know who i am my name is sammy i and i am actually a 21 year old self-made millionaire entirely from the internet and as much as i like to portray myself as uber masculine look at these hands these hands have never picked up a box or a tool in their entire life so because i wasn't very practical
Go with my hands and i knew i definitely wasn't going to be some professional athlete or something like that i had to use this and it's not exactly like i was set up to succeed tough childhood single mom yada yada you've heard it before i mean i didn't even finish high school so when i tell you everything today it comes from actually five years of experience in this industry starting my first online business when i was 16 and still in school so let's go ahead and confront the first question is it possible to make money online now i'll give you the answer straight away the answer is yes but i am not going to sugarcoat things it is getting harder now you might think that in the days of zoom meetings or everyone working remotely from home always being in close proximity to your computer or desk it would be easier to make money online but just being very honest with you the truth couldn't be more different because anyone can start an online business a lot more people are trying so just having a computer access to the internet and rudimentary knowledge isn't going tocut it these days so let's talk about two ways to make money online now let's talk about some very basic economics there are really only two things thatcan be exchanged for money